Currently at Sbux

Since I don't have a home right now, I am going to Starbucks to use the internet. It's pretty cool because all you have to do is buy a card put some money on it and register it & Starbucks will give you 2 hours of free internet.  I have been spending more than 2 hours a day on the internet but this is not bad.  Nothing new with the apartment search, I have not really had a chance to look for one this week.  Some good news is I got my camera back....yeeeeaaayyyyyyyyy! It's a small thing but it makes me really happy to have it back. Now, if I could just get the stupid SD card to work.  Alright, well I have to plan out my day tomorrow so I'll never get anything done

*I have to mail my sister her PC stuff cause I've had it for a minute and have not been able to mail it off. 
*I have to do do my laundry.
* I have to return some clothes to Kohl's and Wallie World.
* And then I have to spend sometime with Mikedra and the kids.

I can't wait to see Dakarai. I miss that little boy.


So far....

It has not been a good year. Kinda funny cause I said this would be the best year ever.  I don't want to seem like I'm complaining but dam* it seems like everything is going wrong. I've had a couple encounters with the law, I scratched my car, almost lost my camera and phone charger. But that's not as bad as not being able to get an apartment or the drama that's going on at work.  I really do hope the the year gets better....


A good time...

This is a picture of one of the times I actually got out of the office in Afghanistan and actually had fun. It's quite funny since the person I was with was not my favorite person but he did support me when I needed it. The people I was with this deployment were so much different than my last deployment. I had such a good time the last deployment and I'm not sure wether it was because I was younger or if it was the group I was with. I don't let people get to me but this group almost made that happen. All I know is that I don't know how long I will be sticking around in this unit. It's definately time for another change this year......Where will I go next?
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