Currently at Sbux

Since I don't have a home right now, I am going to Starbucks to use the internet. It's pretty cool because all you have to do is buy a card put some money on it and register it & Starbucks will give you 2 hours of free internet.  I have been spending more than 2 hours a day on the internet but this is not bad.  Nothing new with the apartment search, I have not really had a chance to look for one this week.  Some good news is I got my camera back....yeeeeaaayyyyyyyyy! It's a small thing but it makes me really happy to have it back. Now, if I could just get the stupid SD card to work.  Alright, well I have to plan out my day tomorrow so I'll never get anything done

*I have to mail my sister her PC stuff cause I've had it for a minute and have not been able to mail it off. 
*I have to do do my laundry.
* I have to return some clothes to Kohl's and Wallie World.
* And then I have to spend sometime with Mikedra and the kids.

I can't wait to see Dakarai. I miss that little boy.

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